Sardar Movie Review
The story revolves around a father, a forgotten spy betrayed as a traitor, and his son, a smart police officer (both played by Karthi), who have never met each other in their lifetime. However, a serious crisis planted by the miscreants brings them into an uncalled-for mission. Will they get a chance to meet each other or remain as aliens to each other till the end with the son unaware of his father’s true identity?
It’s been a safe bet for Karthi when he chooses movies with unique content. He has always been a tailor-made character for such scripts, and they have neither disappointed him nor us. Sardar is the latest one to join this league. The last time, we saw him playing dual roles was in All in All Azhagu Raja, a Diwali release almost a decade ago, which didn’t earn him a reputation. But this one, with a strong gripping tale of edge-seated moments, offers us a plethora of entertainment. The first half is pretty engaging with the screenplay gliding at the right pace. Eventually, movies with appealing first half gradually bomb doubt in the audience by intermission, whether, the momentum would be retained in the second half, especially when you know there’s a flashback sequence. If you had such assumptions, then you’re right, the second half has a lengthy flashback. It’s almost like a different film indeed, where we come across the missions of Agent Sardar. However, as the flashback sequences wind up, we are yet again pulled back into the racy portions that conclude with a justifying climax. Yes, the surprise you might see in the final credits might be cinematic, but then, the ‘Universe’ has been a trending topic for every filmmaker, so why not PS Mithran, who is known for picking up the unique social crisis with proper detailing and research and blending them with an engaging screenplay.
PS Mithran has already delivered a couple of movies that have touched the domain of serious issues in society. Sardar is more like the third one in this trilogy, which holds your attention. Apart from Karthi, you don’t see anyone stealing the show. The actresses Raashi Khanna and Rajeesha Vijayan have no scope.
GV Prakash Kumar’s songs are just average, and the tracks are nowhere close to the screenplay. The cinematography is appreciable and elevates the intensity of the script in many places.
Overall, Sardar keeps fascinating you in many places with its intense scenes, which have been crafted and materialized with proper detailing. You can prefer this Diwali release to gain a satisfactory feeling for the money spent on tickets.
Verdict: Keeps you engaged with its promising writing and good performances.
Rating: 3.25/5